Meet the Team!

Physical Therapist

Meet Dr. Kailee Karst (DPT), the mind behind Mindful Movement!

Dr. Kailee started Mindful Movement Physical Therapy with the goal of providing individualized, hands on care, to help patients meet their goals faster and more efficiently. Dr. Kailee Karst has clinical experience in outpatient orthopedics, focusing on care for the whole body, with a specialization in pelvic health. Dr. Kailee has taken extensive training in manual therapy through and takes a hands on approach in order to help maximize results in physical therapy. Dr. Kailee enjoys working with prenatal and postnatal people and individuals suffering from problems like diastasis recti, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, bowel and bladder issues. On top of being a physical therapist, Kailee has been teaching yoga for over ten years. Knowing how much of a difference yoga has made in her life, she hopes to help people find a yoga practice that fits their own individual needs. Dr. Kailee just started a functional medicine training to deepen her knowledge of physiology and help her online (and in person!) clients!

Meet Dr. Ford-Smith (DPT), specializing in online wellness for brain-health!

Dr. Cheryl D. Ford-Smith, PT, DPT, MS, Board-Certified Specialist in Neurology and Certified Nutritional Consultant, is Professor Emerita of the College of Health Professions, Department of Physical Therapy at Virginia Commonwealth University. She has more than thirty-five years of clinical experience. In the last 10 years, she has focused on the evidence related to concussion and nutrition how they inform clinical practice as it relates to other neurological disabilities/impairments/deficits. Her research has led to presentations at national and local meetings on her systematic review of the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation on concussion symptoms and mild traumatic brain injury.

Dr. Ford-Smith has led nutritional sessions in her home for members of her community as well as individual consultations to improve general wellness. She has a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness focusing on nutritional intake, adequate exercise, adequate sleep, adequate hydration, stress management for emotional and mental well-being, and empowering individuals to take responsibility for their overall health.

Dr. Ford-Smith recently received her certification in functional nutrition and is excited to apply this information in her online wellness sessions!

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